Sunday, October 14, 2007

lyme update

just wanted to keep you all up to date with how the lyme is doing...i am still having some of the same symptoms...joint pain, aches, exhaustion etc...i saw my acupuncture guy and i am doing quite a bit of herbal things...i was having pretty severe pain in my spleen area and during our acupuncture session he focused on that area...i have not had pain in that area since!! i am a total believer in it now...i am also learning that i have to adjust my lifestyle...i need to really look at what im eating and make sure that i am eating things that will not force my body to use most of it's energy on digesting...which means cutting back on carbs, sugars and increase my veggie intake (which is a huge deal for those of you that know my eating habits) making a vegetable broth right now...part of strengthening my immune system is doing a vegetable broth fast 2 days a week...we'll see how it goes...i have 12 days left on meds (not that im counting haaaaaaaa) then back to dr.
thanks for all the support and love

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