Sunday, January 27, 2008

P.I.C.C line in...

well friday afternoon dominic and i headed into the hospital in middlebury...dom was shown the waiting room while i was taken to radiology to be prepped for the procedure...apparently the dr. thought my appointment was at 1pm while i thought it was at 12:30pm...oh well no harm 12:45 the doc's nurse came and got me...she explained everything that was going to happen and put an iv into my left hand so they could get the dye into my vein...she then informed me that the dr. wasn't ready to see me yet...i went back to the changing room to wait...1:45 i was taken back and prepped...within an hour i was done and dominic and i were being led upstairs so i could get my first dose of the antibiotic...they needed to make sure i didn't have any reaction to meds...
saturday was spent with visits from the pharmacy lady that will be bringing my meds every week...(i get 5 days at a time)...then the home health nurse came and spent at least an hour and a half with us...she changed my dressings and showed me how to flush the 2 lines that i have...(i have to do that everyday)...
shelly suggested that i get some rubbermaid containers to store my stuff in so that i have it all in one spot and thura can't get at it...
here are my supplies...
i have to keep my medicine in the fridge so that it doesn't go bad...i take it out about an hour before i inject...
the health nurse came back today and watched me flush my own lines to make sure i would be able to do this all on my own are some pics that dominic took...
this is an up close look at the insertion did the doc do richard and shelly?
thanks for all the love, prayers and support!!!


Anonymous said...

Looks like a first class job!

We're proud of you Kaela.

Hope this puts you on a speedy road to recovery.

Love you.

Anonymous said...

that's quite the stash of supplies...especially the lettuce. do they make you eat that before or after shooting up?

Jenn said...

So Kae,
I guess I missed exactly what happened between them thinking you were having a relapse to having a PICC line put in... Assuming your 3 docs suggest this and all, but curious about the inbetween. What types of meds are you on? Are you still able to waitress and teach?

On a separate note, I'm training for the TCM this summer, though won't run it as we're gonna start trying for baby #2 in July :) Gimme a call sometime when you can chat. It's been way too long, girl!!!