Friday, February 22, 2008

finding the sun on a cloudy day....

i went back to the lyme dr. on wednesday morning and found out that i am going to have as shelly calls it "my friend" the PICC line for another month...i will start it when i get back from my trip to minnesota...i just finished the last dose of the other med i was on tonight...i start with a week of rifampin and azithromycin...i will be on these while im in minnesota...when i get back i will be on doxycycline through the iv and bactrim orally...we are going to be treating both lyme and the co-infection that my dr. believes i still have since i had no response to this past round of meds...and the last time i was feeling well we had been treating both lyme and a co-infection...

so i was kinda bummed out about this until i talked to richard and he gave me some advice...he said "well kaela it is a good thing that they are still trying things...they haven't told you that there is nothing they can do"...this put a little perspective on the there was my first glimpse of the sun through the clouds...

the second came today when i found out that i got the job that i was applying for...i will be teaching half-time next year in the school that i am currently teaching in...i am very excited about this! a little more of the clouds started to burn away...

the last bit of sunlight came when i talked with the pharmacy in florida that will be providing me with the meds and everything i need to maintain the PICC line...(my insurance will not pay for anything to do with the iv and meds any more)...and i found out that it is only going to cost me $500 a week...this is still a lot but compared to the $1400 a week that we thought it was going to be this is great!!!

so the fight continues...

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