Friday, June 22, 2007

back to vermont

monday morning we were headed back to vermont...i had another interview scheduled for wednesday night...we got back to bristol and spent the day just hanging out with seth, jen and isadora...
tuesday was our day to babysit isadora...jen had a dr. appt in southern vermont so dom and i said we would watch are a lot of work...and she was super well behaved...but again back to that 'why' stage...i didn't know i could be so creative...haaaaaaaaaaa...we went for a walk with her and bob the dog...that was an adventure in itself...bob's not the best dog on a leash...(dom got to hold him while i pushed isa in the stroller)...we went to look at a house in town that is for rent...we got to it and felt was painted peptobismol pink...this was the first thing that put us off...the yard (or what there was of a yard) was overgrown and running wild...we went inside and i think i might have thrown up in my mouth a little was completely filthy...not in move-in condition at all...and it was soooooooo small....the wood floors had been painted pink and was unbelievable...especially since the lady wanted $1000 plus utilities...what????
we left there wondering what we were going to be able to find that was within our price range...yikes....
we stopped for corn dogs and ice cream on the way home....then time for naps...the afternoon was just hanging out...very relaxed
still no word about the job in williston that i had interviewed for...

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