Tuesday, June 26, 2007

not going to be homeless

well we got the apartment...sooooooooooo excited!!...one thing sorted now i just need a job...got the interview tomorrow...keep praying...we went and got the materials needed for 2 marshmellow guns...dom and seth got to work on them soon after we returned...they are as i am typing sitting on the front porch shooting marshmellows at a pop can...crack me up...it is 11pm here...
we grilled steaks and corn on the cob tonight...trying to keep the heat outside...steaks were great...nice job dominic...after dinner dom and seth played a game on polish horseshoes...google it...quite interesting especially in the dark...
anyway...about to head to bed...got a big day ahead tomorrow...


Jenn said...

Good luck at the interview today, Kae! I'll be praying for ya! Congrats on gettin the apt... fun, fun. Miss ya!

Unknown said...

Best of luck today with the interview! Sending loads of positive thoughts your way!!!